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Process Engineering, Technology Support and Burst Resourcing

Business process management and automation concept with a workflow flowchart on a digital
Hand turning button to the evaluation phase. Composite image between a hand
Human resources, social networking and assessment center concept - recruiter complete team

Process and Workflow Engineering

Front, Middle and Back Office;
All Capital Markets Instruments

Derivatives (ETD and OTC), Collateral Management, Equity, Fixed Income, FX, Etc.

Technology Support - Business Analysis and Implementation

Proprietary and Vendor Applications;
All Stages of Trade Lifecycle

Application Design or Rework, Vendor Strategy and Selection, Business Requirements, Testing, Etc.

Human Resource Deployment for Growth or Attrition

Resourcing Stop-Gap in any Capital Markets Operations Capacity

Plug and Play Manager or Staff Augmentation for any Function or Workflow

Services: Features
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